Training & Studies

With numerous apprenticeships and decades of training experience HAEUSLER offers diversity, security and competence for all young professionals. Through the comprehensive support of our trainees we impart sound specialist knowledge and at the same time promote personal qualifications.

Training professions

Apprenticeship training
at the location Duggingen/CH

The following apprenticeship professions are trained at the Haeusler AG in Duggingen/CH

Automation engineer

Design engineer


Click on the corresponding button to get detailed information on the apprenticeship occupations and available apprenticeship places.

For further information, please contact Moritz Moser, EFZ design engineer trainer, directly on 061 755 22 22.


The following videos illustrate the apprenticeships offered by Haeusler AG at the Duggingen/CH site:

Apprenticeship professions

at the Herten site.

The following apprenticeships are trained at Haeusler Maschinenbau GmbH in Herten/DE:

Electronics technician (m/f/d) for industrial engineering

Industrial mechanic (m/f/d)

You can find more detailed information on the apprenticeship professions on the following website:

Dual curriculum
Mechanical engineering.


with the Lörrach University of Applied Sciences.

Haeusler works closely together with the University of Applied Sciences Lörrach DHBW in the area of dual studies. The combination of theoretical knowledge and professional practice offers comprehensive preparation for a career start.

In addition, the enormous time saving through the double degree and the training allowance during the study period are special advantages of the dual study form.

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Open training positions

Please check our page on job advertisements for open training positions.